Categories: Home Inspections

Why Photos are Vital in a Home Inspection Report


SHI offers 20-40 photo pages (2 photos per page) with our home inspection reports, depending on the home size and condition, because there are some pretty good reasons why photos are critical in a professional home inspection report. Nothing matches photos plus a description. Many home inspectors use a streamlined computer program that only throws in one or two photos here and there as a highlight. Our reports are much more thorough, with many more photos to demonstrate various situations and conditions.

1. Photos document serious conditions. What does a serious asbestos condition look like in a house? Signs of termites? A picture is worth a thousand words.
2. Photos identify technical items. Do you know what a TPR valve extension looks like? One photo does it.
3. Photos convey valuable knowledge. When we recommend a repair, we can choose from a variety of photos and articles to outline what is needed. And, let’s face it: There is a reason why dictionaries, encyclopedias and science books contain lot of images.

Believe it or not, many home inspection companies do not offer photos at all with their reports. At SHI, we don’t just give cookie-cutter home reports, we give a brief but insightful education on the important aspects of your new house in our inspection and report process. Your house (whether first, second, or third) is likely one of the largest investments you will ever make. Your home inspection report should be as thorough and detailed as possible. Call SHI today for a comprehensive home inspection that includes referenced photo pages – 631 377 2046.

Tags: Photos in home inspection reports, best home inspection reports, compare home inspection reports, home inspection companies, best practices of home inspectors, protocol of home inspectors

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